Tuesday, June 30, 2020

4 Ways to do Pagination or scrolling in Elastic Search Tutorials


Elastic Search Tutorials

4 Ways to do Pagination or scrolling in Elastic Search Tutorials

Method 1:

Step 1:

In [1]:
    import os
    import sys
    import elasticsearch
    from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch 
    import pandas as pd
    print("All Modules Loaded ! ")
except Exception as e:
    print("Some Modules are Missing {}".format(e))
All Modules Loaded ! 

Step 2:

In [2]:
def connect_elasticsearch():
    es = None
    es = Elasticsearch([{'host': 'localhost', 'port': 9200}])
    if es.ping():
        print('Yupiee  Connected ')
        print('Awww it could not connect!')
    return es
es = connect_elasticsearch()
Yupiee  Connected 

Step 3: Define Query

In [3]:
myquey = {
   "_source": [],
   "size": 10,
   "query": {
      "bool": {
         "must": [],
         "filter": [
               "exists": {
                  "field": "director"
         "should": [
               "match_phrase": {
                  "director": "Richard "
         "must_not": []

Step 4:

  • index -> name of the index name
  • Scroll -> How long you want the scroll to stay in his case 2m
  • Size -> How many records you need in each cycle
  • Body-> ELK Query
In [4]:
res = es.search(
  index = 'netflix',
  scroll = '2m',
  size = 10,
  body = myquey)
In [5]:
counter = 0 
sid =  res["_scroll_id"]
scroll_size = res['hits']['total']
scroll_size = scroll_size['value']

# Start scrolling
while (scroll_size > 0):

    page = es.scroll(scroll_id = sid, scroll = '10m')
    #print("Hits : ",len(page["hits"]["hits"]))
    # Update the scroll ID
    sid = page['_scroll_id']

    # Get the number of results that we returned in the last scroll
    scroll_size = len(page['hits']['hits'])

    #print("Scroll Size {} ".format(scroll_size))
    # Do something with the obtained page
    counter = counter + 1

print("Total Pages  : {}".format(counter))
Total Pages  : 427

Method 2:

  • the idea Goes Like this we need to map page number and we divide the search into parts
  • say the size was 500
  • Page 1 -> 0-10
  • Page 2 -> 10-20
  • All this time the size is same the query is same all that is changing is from and to word
  • think this way you will only query once and create a hashmap key are page number and value would be sliced Records
In [6]:
res = es.search(
  index = 'netflix',
  size = 100,
  body = myquey)
In [7]:
data = res["hits"]["hits"]
In [17]:
hashmap = {}
In [ ]:
step = 2
hashmap = {}
for i in range(len(data)):
    if i==0:
        hashmap[i] = data[0:step]
        startIndex = step * i
        EndIndex =  ((i+1) * (step))
        sample = data[startIndex:EndIndex]
        hashmap[i] = sample

Method 3:

  • The approach we are taking here is basically
  • page 1 correspond to from 0
  • page 2 correspond to from 10
  • idea is eevry page keep increment the from varibale

First Time Query Becomes

In [ ]:
myquey = {
   "_source": [],
   "size": 10,
   "query": {
      "bool": {
         "must": [],
         "filter": [
               "exists": {
                  "field": "director"
         "should": [
               "match_phrase": {
                  "director": "Richard "
         "must_not": []

Secodn Time Query Becomes

In [20]:
myquey = {
   "_source": [],
   "size": 10,
   "query": {
      "bool": {
         "must": [],
         "filter": [
               "exists": {
                  "field": "director"
         "should": [
               "match_phrase": {
                  "director": "Richard "
         "must_not": []

Method 4: Search After Query

In [19]:
myquey = {
   "_source": [],
   "size": 10,
   "query": {
      "bool": {
         "must": [],
         "filter": [
               "exists": {
                  "field": "director"
         "should": [
               "match_phrase": {
                  "director": "Richard "
         "must_not": []
In [21]:
res = es.search(
  index = 'netflix',
  size = 100,
  body = myquey)
In [22]:
def create_scroll(res):
    :param res: json
    :return: string

        data = res.get("hits", None).get("hits", None)
        data = data[-1]
        score = data.get("_score", None)
        scroll_id_ = data.get("_id", None)
        unique_scroll_id = "{},{}".format(score, scroll_id_)
        return unique_scroll_id
    except Exception as e:
        return "Error,scroll error "
In [23]:
scroll = create_scroll(res)

This is out unique Scroll

In [24]:

Next time we will pass this scroll

In [25]:
score, scroll_id = scroll.split(",")
In [26]:
myquey["search_after"] = [score, scroll_id]
myquey["sort"] = [{"_score": "desc", "_id": "desc"}]

New Query for next page becomes

In [ ]:
new_query ={


                  "director":"Richard "


Now perfrom the search on Elastic search and you will get the result

  • make sure again create a scroll and then next page keep reperating the process

Please Dont Forget to Like and Share the Article if found useful

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