Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Smart Library for Classification Problems Cleans and normalize data and perform Train Test Split as well (Tensorflow/Keras/TF Estimator API)


hello everyone, do you use Machine Learning/Deep Learning or maybe just want to normalize Data set. we know how difficult and Time-consuming process. With this Library you can do that in 3 steps.

This module allows user to Normalize the columns in the dataset perform Train Test Split and also drops if any rows or columns have NULL/NA values

How to Use

In [ ]:
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                Step 1:
    # Create a Object of Class Data_cleaning
    path = "/Users/soumilshah/IdeaProjects/mytensorflow/Dataset/pima-indians-diabetes.csv"
    c = Data_Cleaning(path=path)
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
             Step 2:
    # Rename the Columns
    # Provide the all the columns that you want to rename
    # Remember id there are 8 columns you have to provide 8 columns

    # There is a Method known as get columns run that to get list of columns
    # you can avoid step 2 if your column is already renamed
    # in that case you can run read_df method and in step 3 you can supply that
    columns_to_named = ["Pregnancies","Glucose","BloodPressure",

    df = c.rename_column(column_rename=columns_to_named)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            Step 3:

    # select the Columns that you want  to normalize
    # and supply the dataFrame pandas dataframe
    # select the column which is your classification column

    columns_norm = ["Pregnancies","Glucose","BloodPressure",
    classification_column = ["Class"]
    X_Train, X_Test, Y_Train,Y_Test = c.feature_map_train_test_split(df=df,
                                   columns_norm = columns_norm,
                                  classfication_column = classification_column)
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Code to Library or Module

In [8]:
    import tensorflow as tf

    # for Data Processing
    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd

    # for Plotting
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    # for Data Processing
    from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
    from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix,classification_report
    print('Library Loaded .........')
    print('One or More Library was not Found ! ')

class Data_Cleaning(object):

    def __init__(self, path=''):
        self.path = path

    def get_column_names(self):

        :return: List of Columns

            df = pd.read_csv('{}'.format(self.path))
            columns = df.columns
            return columns
            print("Failed to run get_columns_names")

    def get_length(self):


        :return: Length of Feature column
            length = self.get_column_names()
            length = len(length)
            return length
            print("Failed to execute get_length")

    def read_df(self):

        :return: Pandas DF

            df = pd.read_csv(self.path)
            return df
            print("Failed to read_df")

    def rename_column(self,column_rename = []):

        :param column_rename: Should be a list
        :return: Pandas DF
            # Read the Dataset and Rename the Column
            df = pd.read_csv(self.path, header=0, names =column_rename)
            return df
            print("Failed to rename column")

    def feature_map_train_test_split(self, df, columns_norm=[], classfication_column = []):

        :param df: SHould be a Pandas DF
        :param columns_norm: Should be List of columns that you want to Normalize
        :param classfication_column: Should be List of column that you want your Network to classify
            # Select the Feature map Column
            df_norm = df[columns_norm].apply(lambda x :( (x - x.min()) / (x.max()-x.min()) ) )

            X_Data = df_norm
            Y_Data = df[classfication_column]

            X_Train, X_Test, Y_Train,Y_Test = train_test_split(X_Data,
            return X_Train, X_Test, Y_Train,Y_Test
            print("Failed to execute feature_map_train_test_split ")
Library Loaded .........
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